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Plant care and accessories | The Royal Parks Shop

Plant Care & Accessories

Nurture your plants with our selection of care essentials and stylish accessories. Find everything you need to help your greenery thrive.

Plant Care & Accessories

Nurture your plants with our selection of care essentials and stylish accessories. Find everything you need to help your greenery thrive.

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17 Products


Norfolk Natural Living Indoor Plant Rescue - 200mlNorfolk Natural Living Indoor Plant Rescue - 200ml
Norfolk Natural Living Indoor Plant Food - 100mlNorfolk Natural Living Indoor Plant Food - 100ml
Brass Smethwick SpritzerBrass Smethwick Spritzer
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New The Self Care PlanterThe Self Care Planter
Self Care Planter Sale price£20.00
Haws Fazely Flow One Pint Indoor Watering CanFazeley Flow One Pint Indoor Watering Can
Staff pick Ilex Studio Acorn Vase clearIlex Studio Acorn Vase clear with sapling growing
Avocado Vase: ClearAocado Vase best way to grow an avocado
Ilex Studio Acorn Vase: Emerald GreenIlex Studio Acorn Vase: Emerald Green
Ilex Studio Avocado Vase: Emerald GreenAvocado Vase: Emerald Green
Bestseller Ilex Studio Acorn Vase: Cosmic AstraIlex Studio Acorn Vase: Cosmic Astra
Ilex Studio Avocado Vase: Cosmic AstraIlex Studio Avocado Vase: Cosmic Astra
Save £3.50 Oak Pot TamperOak Pot Tamper
Oak Pot Tamper Sale price£8.50 Regular price£12.00
Save £5.00 Paper Pot PressPaper Pot Press
Paper Pot Press Sale price£11.50 Regular price£16.50
Haws Copper Smethwick Spritzer Copper Smethwick Spritzer
New Haws White Rowley Ripple Watering CanHaws White Rowley Ripple Watering Can
Rowley Ripple Two Pint Outdoor Watering CanRowley Ripple Two Pint Outdoor Watering Can
New Haws Terracotta Fazely Flow Watering CanTerracotta Fazeley Flow Watering Can
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